Tuesday 10 November 2009

plug in baby

"Come let the truth be shared", merthogy ma ma ma van az a nagy nap, amikor vegrevegre Muse koncertre megyunk. Meg tiz ora.
"And fifteen thousand people scream
They were all begging for your dream"
Es lesz ugralas, "And she'll scream And she'll shout", es szerintem sirni fogok a gyonyorusegtol.
"My life
You electrify my life"
"I thought I was a fool for no-one
Oh baby I'm a fool for you"
"I tried to give you up
But I'm addicted"
Nem vagyok valami osszeszedett ma, alig birok koncentralni. Mar kevesebb, mint tiz ora.
"Don't waste your time
Or time will waste you"


Unknown said...

Mocsok módon irigyellek ezért!

vik said...

hehe, en is irigylem magam :)
bocsanat, de csak vigyorgok egesz nap...
(It could be wrong, could be wrong) This is out of control